Letter From Our CEO

Dear Verland Family,

I began to explore the possibility of coming to Verland in early April of 2023. As I read through the website and spoke with those familiar with the history of Verland, my desire to lead the organization to fulfill its vision grew.

The foundation of Verland is sound. The name Verland, as many of you know, is a composite of the names of the three vulnerable individuals who inspired three wonderful women to create Verland. The name itself stands as a constant reminder that we exist to serve those who need us most.

The faith of Verland is necessary. Regardless of our religious or spiritual background, the critical resources needed to serve our individuals well – funding and caregivers – are currently limited. Verland was started by faith, and for the past 44 years that same faith has continued to sustain us through a pandemic and financial challenges. It will take our combined faith to help those we care for, as well as our caregivers, to live their best lives.

Verland’s future is bright. Special things happen when leaders share vision and passion. As a leader, I can see that Verland is on the verge of becoming something special. We have an extremely competent board of directors and many amazing team members. In time, all stakeholders will rally together as we strive to make Verland the most compassionate place on earth. This is Verland.

It is to this end that I dedicate my talent and strength. Please join me in the fulfillment of this noble mission.

Leland B. Sapp